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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Learn Forex Trading - Essential Beginners Tips Part 1

Author: kelly Price

Source: articledashboard.com

In this series, Stock Day Trading, of articles I am going to share my 25 years of experience with you - I am not an article writer I am a trader, so my views are based upon experience, not just talk. To Learn Forex trading is not easy, but it's not hard either, it simply requires application in the right areas to succeed. Let's get started and look at what you need to do to become a successful forex trader. If you want to do it you need to do it on your own and not trust the gurus and mentors who tell you they can give you success - the only person who can do that is you. The first point that is vital to grasp is that forex trading is essentially simple, yet few traders succeed, Stock Day Trading, (less than 5%) but anyone can learn to trade, Stock Day Trading, . The reason is that forex trading is a combination of method and mental control and the latter, Stock Day Trading, is very hard to achieve. The first, Stock Day Trading, bit, learning your method is easy - all you need to keep in mind is to: Work smart and not hard Working smart means focusing only on the information you need to win and nothing else. To learn forex trading doesn't take long and you can get a method together in around 2 weeks by studying the right information and the good news is its all available free online. 1. You should use a technical analysis, Stock Day Trading, system, 2. Base you're trading on long term trend following (forget day trading it doesn't and will never work) 3. Base it on support and resistance and a breakout methodology and use momentum indicators to confirm your trading look them all up in our other articles and get familiar with them. Finally keep it simple!Many traders think the harder they work at forex trading the more they will make, but you only get rewarded for being right in forex trading NOT for the effort you put in. Don't make your system complicated keep it very simple - it's a proven fact that simple systems work best and beat complicated ones as they have fewer elements to break in the brutal world of real trading. 25 years ago when I started trading we didn't have access to all the tools that traders do today, but the ratio of winners to losers is no greater today than it was then which leads to an obvious conclusion: That the trading world is constant and technology and information overload won't help you win - in fact it will help you lose which will be the subject of another articleNow you know the basics of devising a currency trading system the next step will be to construct one that works - this will be the subject in part 2 & 3 of this article.

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